When it comes to your health, we understand that every moment is precious. That’s why at New Kokila Hospital, we are proud to offer a dedicated Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and round-the-clock critical care facilities. Our commitment to providing exceptional 24/7 critical care reflects our unwavering dedication to your well-being and peace of mind.

Your Lifeline in Critical Moments:

Our ICU and critical care department is your lifeline during times of medical crisis. We recognize that emergencies can happen at any time, and our ICU is always prepared to provide immediate and comprehensive care.

Our 24/7 Critical Care Team:

Our critical care team consists of experienced intensivists, dedicated nurses, and support staff who are trained to respond to critical situations. They are not just medical professionals; they are your dedicated partners in ensuring your health and comfort during difficult times.

What We Offer:

  • Immediate Intervention: In emergencies, time is of the essence. Our ICU is equipped to provide immediate medical attention and intervention, reducing the risk of complications and ensuring the best possible outcomes.
  • Advanced Monitoring: Our state-of-the-art equipment continuously monitors patients’ vital signs, allowing for real-time adjustments to their care plans.
  • Specialized Expertise: Our intensivists are skilled in managing complex medical conditions and making rapid decisions, ensuring that every patient receives the highest level of care.
  • Compassionate Support: We understand that critical care can be a challenging experience. Our team not only provides medical expertise but also offers emotional support and guidance to patients and their families.

Conditions We Treat:

Our ICU and 24/7 critical care facilities are equipped to handle a wide range of critical conditions.

Advanced Technology for Your Health:

We invest in the latest medical technology to ensure that our patients receive the best care possible. Our ICU is equipped with advanced monitoring systems, life-support equipment, and diagnostic tools, enabling us to provide precise and timely care.

Your Well-Being is Our Priority:

At New Kokila Hospital, we recognize that critical care is not just about treating medical conditions; it’s about preserving lives and supporting patients on their journey to recovery. Our 24/7 critical care facilities reflect our unwavering commitment to your health, ensuring that you are in the best hands when it matters the most.

We invite you to explore our ICU and critical care department further, knowing that when you choose us, you are selecting a team that is dedicated to providing you with the highest standard of care, compassion, and expertise. Your health is our top priority, and our 24/7 critical care services are here to safeguard your well-being, no matter when you need us.